I'm the light
Blinking at the end of the road.
Blink back to let me know.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
#1 Distraction
Dan ternyata emang episode yang ini keren abis, karena...
1. ChangMin, terutama his adorable smile which make me want to xxx him LOL.
2. A part when Jae Suk oppa imitating Suk Jin when he unmasked all the pretty girl there. A perfect WHOA-ing for sure.
3. Bullied Joong Ki ever! I love to see him get teased :]
4. SNSD'S Gee dance. It is hilarious to saw the all the running man cast to dance. Creak-ing Gwang Soo, incompetent Ji Hyo, and Awkward Suk Jin lol. But the best ofcourse YOO HYUK!
Sebenernya banyak lagi sih yang bikin episode kali ini spesial, tapi yaa like I've said before... you have to see it yourself.
Cant wait for the next episodes, 29th! (I've watched the 28th episode, gonna talk about it later okay)
Love, Icha
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Electric Feel
put your circuits in the sea
this is what the world is for
making electricity
you can feel it in your mind
oh you can do it all the time
plug it in, change the world
you are my electric girl"
Worth waiting gig: MGMT, The Whitest Boy Alive, plus Sajama Cut. 26th of March gonna be awesome for real.
And what kinda weird is... I dont feel a lil bit hyper as usual I do. Its just, 'oh okay, so I'm gonna watch them live'. Dont get me wrong, I love them (ofcourse I love them, I paid 275k for watching) But until now, I havent even prepare anything for the-day. I still dont know where Luksi and I will be sleep after the concert, we also not really sure about where the Bengkel Night Park location is, which mean we still not decide by what we're gonna aim there. And for the God sake we definitely have no idea about what we are going to give to our lovely MGMT as a present. I feel like a bad fan here -__-
But time will brought us the answer, right?
Love, Icha
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Changing, Not A Saosin Song Really
(Source from: wikipedia.com)
Kenapa gue tiba-tiba nulis begini? Karena entah kenapa gue lagi ngerasa alter ego gue mulai merangkak keluar.
Jujur aja dari tiga minggu lalu alias dari awal masuk semester genap ini gue ngerasa sedikit berubah, somehow I turn to someone that more gloomy than before. Gue pikir, itu masa adaptif yang biasa dilalui orang setelah lama ga berinteraksi sama lingkungannya. Tapi setelah tiga minggu dan kondisinya masih stagnan kaya begini, I start to questioning my own self.
Awalnya, gue cuma ngerasa ga nyaman. Ga nyaman sama semuanya. Kalo diliat lagi, postingan yang galau beberapa waktu lalu yang masalah mempertanyakan tujuan hidup itu kayaknya awal masa perubahan gue semester ini. Padahal gue ngarepnya dari titik itu gue bisa jadi orang yang lebih bisa berpikir bijak, dewasa, dan rasional. Tapi rasanya.. it goes wrong. My feeling become colder and colder. Even some of my close friends told me so. Now they labelled me as having "galau period". Yah ga salah juga sih. Gue pribadi lagi ngerasa bingung. Bingung harus bersikap bagaimana, mungkin. Atau kalo boleh buat excuse.. maybe this is a sort of learning of my almost 20 era.
Gue juga ga mau terlalu lama terjebak dalam kondisi yang bikin hati ga enak ini.
I dont know where this thing invite me. I really feel this is my second turning point (after I had it at my first year on high school). Dan gue ga mau hal ini, entah bisa disebut alter ego atau bukan, terus berlanjut. Atau ekstremnya yah.. gue bener-bener berubah kepribadian. I'm not intend to do it. Maybe it's better to me to be alone for some days in recent. So please forgive me if I'm avoiding people.
I still remember when I followed a training last Sunday, the spokeperson ask us, "what the hardest thing you want to do?" and I answered, "Make all the people arround me happy. Everyone. Happy."
Yes. It is hard to do. And how I supposed to work on it when I'm not feeling happy eitherway?
Gue bener-bener ga pengen bikin orang-orang di sekeliling gue ga nyaman, jadi sekali lagi, gue akan berusaha untuk ngelewatin semua ini. Insya Allah gue masih ada keluarga, sahabat sehati, dan orang-orang yang bisa ngebantu gue di saat "ga jelas" seperti ini. I'm gonna be the casual Annisa Noyara Rahmasary atau mungkin the new and better her. But talking is easy nor the act seem hard. So I'm struggling, okay?
Satu lagi, kalo ditanya kenapa gue nulis hal kaya gini ke blog, gue punya jawaban sendiri:
Seseorang pernah bilang ke gue kadang orang lain ga butuh dicurhatin masalah pribadi yang geje kaya gini, mereka bakal nganggep 'itu hidup lo masing-masing, jadi kasarnya itu ga penting buat gue' dan pada dasarnya gue emang ga bisa cerita sembarangan ke orang buat masalah hati kaya begini. Tapi entah kenapa kalo di dunia maya kaya gini, tempat di mana bahakan orang yang ga kita kenal pun bisa baca blog sampah gue ini, gue malah bisa paling tidak berbagi pikiran. Life is weird, and I'm the living prove.
Still with a lot of love,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Dirty Jobs, Fresh Name

Rose was ever a high school flower, lead dancer but then she just works as a maid. With her needs to fulfill she eventually jumps into a 'dirty' business involving her sister. This job called biohazard removal or crime scene clean up. They take over anything left from a crime occasion like murderer, street accident, or so.. Everything went okay until Norah did something.
What best about this movie is how a person, even like the underestimated one like Norah can became so care yet curious about life. And how their job brings them new experiences in facing death. How people struggle to survive when the one they love left them.
This movie just simple, easy to follow, and in some point of view has a happy ending. And Emily Blunt as always is adorable. Honestly I dont really know since when I trapped in her charisma (err,not charisma actually I just love seeing her in my TV or laptop screen haha). Yah like I said before this movie is really worth to watch (or maybe I havent said it before).
Love, Icha
I'm Not Calling This as Resolutions
Running Man definitely run in my recent life.
Gue ga bisa sehari ga bisa liat tayangan yang satu itu. Padahal yang ada di laptop cuma sampe episode 22 doang, mau ga mau gue harus puas nonton episod itu berulang-ulang. Ga papa,dari pada ga sama sekali. Hahah. It lights on my day in the end, and such a sweet ending before I go to sleep actually.
Back to problem yah.
Ini hari ke dua gue kuliah semester 4 (hari ketiga sebenernya tapi kan kemaren tanggal merah jadi ya... libur dong). Gue baru masuk kelas 2x, soalnya ada beberapa kelas yg masih kosong. Yang pengen gue share adalah:
1. Gue masih belum ngerasa on buat kuliah
Jujur aja nih,otak gue masih setelan liburan. Kemaren aja pas baru nyampe Bogor gue luksi hanna langsung cabut ke elos buat nonton The Green Hornet (yep gue baru nonton itu) dan terkesima liat Jay Chou yang understandably ganteng sekarang haha. Apalagi kemaren selasa libur lagi. Mana bisa gue ngeset otak balik ke mode belajar? (what an excuse -__-)
2. Gue memutuskan untuk ga aktif di UKM panahan lagi dan fokus ke HIMAGRETO
Dari dulu juga gue ga pernah "terlalu" aktif sih di sini,tapi... kalo mau keluar sayang juga. Tapinya lagi kalo sampe sekarang gue masih menye-menye (ga jelas mau iya apa engga) di panahan, nasib gue bakal terancam. lagian gue merasa ga pantes, nembak pake busur 1 aja gue masih lemes banget dan belakangan gue ga pernah latian lagi. mungkin kesannya gue nyia-nyiain kesempatan ngelepasin kegiatan ini begitu aja, tapi feel gue buat panahan udah ilang. Sorry to say aja.. tapi bareng2 mereka setaun ini bener2 pengalaman berharga :D
3. I can just let my life flows as it rhyme
Sejak lama, gue suka galau mikirin idup gue yang kayaknya lancar banget. Bukan bermaksud nyombong atau ga tau terima kasih but I just feel my life completely good, nothing to really worry except for certain things which is undersatandabale. In the end, gue ngerasa agak parno. I'm afraid my little less perfet life bakal ga bagus endingnya. Gue selalu mikir: I'm always taking everything too easy. Serius deh, gue ga gampang stress loh. Apa karena hidup gue minim tekanan? Entahlah tapi gue sangat menikmati hidup gue yang sekarang ini. Tapi karena itu kadangan kalo liat idup orang lain yang diisi banayk kerja keras, perjuangan yang bikin kite meleleh gue jadi ngerasa hidup gue agak... plain. Bukan berarti gue ga punya pengalaman menarik atau apa ya, cuma kadang gue ngerasa hidup gue itu terlalu mengalir. kadang gue menemui hambatan juga tapi selama ini Alhamdulillah gue selalu bisa ngatasin semua itu. Setelah semaleman gue agak ngegalau, gue baru nemu jawaban ini, "Maybe for now I just can let my life flows like its rhyme, later I'll figure it out what my life exactly purpose" dan gue cukup puas dengan jawaban itu.
Yah hidup gue di Bogor masih baru dimulai lagi. I'm not only wish for happy ending but also a happy process. My life process.
Yang jelas gue mau bilang sekali: I enjoy my current life. I'm happy with this and try to make people surround me happy too.
Oke deh gue harus kuliah lagi ntar sore heheh. Out for now, see ya later.
Love, Icha
Monday, February 7, 2011
KRS dan SHINee
Serius deh, masalah KRS ini emang ngelantur kemana-mana. Lagian aneh, masa jadwal antar mata kuliah mayor bentrok. Lucu banget. Kasian si komti harus ngurusin ini ke direktorat AJMP. Udah gitu minor gue bentrok semua sama matkul mayor duh, bikin pusing banget deh. Mau ambil SC orang-orang udah pada beringas banget ga menyisakan kursi satu pun buat matkul yang emang gue pengen kayak Amdal Perairan, Sanitasi dan Ketahanan Pangan, dll. Gue baru ambil 18 sks dan itu sayang banget soalnya kapasitas gue masih nyampe 25 sks. Bener-bener deh kuliah bikin pusing, mending kawin aja kali yee -_-
Dan yang ngebikin gue tambah pening adalah... GUE SEKARANG LAGI SHAWOL MODE ON, like serously, their songs were stucked in my head and keep playing forever. Ditambah lagi tadi putri ngajakin karaokean Ring Ding Dong itu. And you know what, we even sang it for four times. How's that eh? Pretty crazy right?
I feel a bit guilty about this, ehm sebelumnya gue kan suka ngeledekin temen gue yang suka SHINee dan sekarang gue kena karma suka sama mereka, yah belum SHINee expert juga sih gue mah tapi tetep aja, judulnya sekarang gue sukaaa *meratap nista*
Belum lagi gue pengen nonton Running Man. Itu variety show emang dongo banget deh. Jaesuk bego hahah. Jong Kook ama Gary lebih-lebih.
Udah ah, ntar gue ngespam lebih banyak lagi cerita Running Man. Ini aja udah banyak bacot kan?
Love, Icha.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Migrain and Movies
Ga marathon juga sih, tapi yah tetep aja 4 film. Kalo kata nyokap, "Kamu itu ga ada kerjaan atau gimana sih?" Yah, gimana dong. Gue lagi liburan dan 4 film kayaknya belum apa-apa deh, dulu gue pernah nonton marathon 7 film sehari. Pagi-siang-sore-malem, puas banget gila! Yah, cuma migren seharian besoknya dan ga bisa bangun dari kasur hahah.
Ehm, kembali ke masalah kemaren, jadi film yang gue tonton itu:
The A-Team
27 Dresses
The Parent Trap
Ga ada film baru sih (terutama yang terakhir itu, haha jadul abis Lilo-nya) tapi emang yang tiga pertama itu belum gue tonton *muka inosen*
Sekarang gue jadi migren lagi gara-gara semalem begadang nonton tiga film terakhir itu ampe jam dua malem. Padahal kemaren gue ga tidur siang dan jam tujuh aja udah nguap-nguap ngantuk tapi entah deh lewat jam 10 malem malah ga ngantuk sama sekali.
Gue ga akan nge-review itu film-film tadi gimana isinya, everybody know Hannibal Smith and The Fraternity, rite? Gue cuma mau bilang, film-film tadi di atas bagus. Dan yang bikin gue heran sama diri gue sendiri adalah... hampir semua film yang gue tonton gue bilang bagus. Yaah ga "bagus" juga sih tapi at least, gue selalu bisa nikmatin semuanya, berbagai genre. Gue suka film drama macem Weather Man, Reign Over Me, Defintely Maybe; film keluarga kayak Parent Trap di atas atau Aliens in the Attic; film sci-fi, well I tell you The Day After Tomorrow play a big role in my life! Haha; film action kayak The Italian Job atau Ocean Twelve; I even enjoy musical movies.
Jadi sebenernya gue yang range seleranya luas atau emang I have no taste in movies? Gue juga ga ngerti sih tapi ya gue bersyukur aja karena selera gue yang begini jadi gue jarang kecewa gara-gara ngeluarin duit buat nonton di XXI, eh anyway gue pernah deng kecewa banget waktu kemaren nonton Skyline di bioskop Rajawali. Udah filmnya kata gue ancur banget, bioskopnya abal pula. Lengkap sudah 11ribu gue melayang tanpa arti.
Liburan masih berapa hari yah? Gue masih ada ehm paling ga sepuluh kaset dvd lagi buat ditonton :]
Love, ICHA
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Grease... is the word!
Since I lost my binder who keep all the track of movies I’ve watched on 2010 maybe blogging could be my back up :D
And.. until now, February the 3rd, I’ve watched about 14 movies. Well not a big number considered at the same month last year it was about 30 or so, but well we’ll discuss it later.
Now I’m gonna share about this comedy musical movie, GREASE.
*his eyes, hipnotize me, hahah*
This movie is hillarious!
I love every dancing scene, evenmore Travolta and Newton-John really looks click at each other :) Maybe the story was so common: summer high school love, but I enjoy it.
Everything seemed so 70’s ofcourse, this is 1971’s movie. Looking all the boys and girls in that outfit is undescribeable! Make me want to ride the time travel machine and life there. The gangs thingy, wearing the same jacket. Those outfit and hair style, argh, nobody seems ugly here okay I am a moron, ofcourse everybody looks great this is a movie, not reality hah! Plus, the songs! You are gonna love it: Summer Love, Grease Lightnin', You Are The One That I Want.
Argh, I love this kind of movie. Move out High School Musical, this is the older and way better version of you <3
Love, Icha
Semangat Baru
Yah, maybe I'm just searching a loner place again since Twitter and Tumblr was kinda crowded :)
See you very so on in my next post!
Love, Icha.